Author = Ghaforniya, Mohammad
Performance Measurement of Supply Chain Quality Management by Combination Balanced Scorecard and System Dynamics

Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2019, Pages 165-193


Seyedeh Soude Karamouz; Reza Ahmadi Kahnali; Mohammad Ghafurnia

Prioritize HSE Maturity Indices (Case Study: Sarkhon and Qeshm Refinery Companies)

Volume 9, Issue 1, June 2019, Pages 169-191


Omid Sohrabi; Mohammad Ghaforniya; Mohammad Reza Behbodi; Hossein Tavakoli

Mathematical Modeling of Services Supply Chain of Iran Fixed Communications by Dynamic Systems Approach

Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2014, Pages 31-50

Nezameddin Faghih; Habibollah Ranaei Kordshooli; Ali Mohammadi; Ali Hossian Samadi; Mohammad Hashem Moosavi Haghighi; Mohammad Ghafournian

Assessment of Services Supply Chain of Iran Fixed Communications by SystemDynamics Approach

Volume 3, Issue 3, December 2013, Pages 111-137

Nezameddin Faghih; Habibollah Ranaei Kordshooli; Ali Mohammadi; Ali Hossain Samadi; Mohammad Hashem Moosavi Haghighi; Mohammad Ghafournian

The Analysis of Iran Cell Phone Market by Using System Dynamics Approach

Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2013, Pages 135-158

Mohammad Hashem Moosavi Haghighi; Habibollah Ranaei Kordshooli; Mohammad Ghafournian